2024 Christmas Tree Sales
We are sold out! Thanks for your support and we'll see you next year!
We have 275 Christmas trees available for sale this year!
You can pre-purchase your tree starting November 1st. Trees will be available for pickup the weekend after Thanksgiving (Saturday, November 30th from 9 am-5 pm and Sunday, December 1st from 11 am-5 pm) as well as the first weekend in December (Saturday, December 7th from 9 am-5 pm and Sunday, December 8th from 11 am-5 pm).

CUMC wants to help you celebrate the season with the beautiful sight and scent of a freshly-cut 6-8' Fraser Fir Christmas Tree.
We have purchased a total of 275 trees (150 of the 6'-7' trees and 125 of the 7'-8' trees), and these trees will be available as pre-sale OR in-person sale.
Why Should You Buy Your Tree From Us?
Why Should You Buy Your Tree From Us?
Yes, you can purchase your Christmas tree from big box stores, but by purchasing from CUMC, you are supporting your neighbors in need! Since 2017, the proceeds from our Christmas tree sales (more than $20,000!) have helped bring food to the hungry in developing countries, shelter and financial assistance to those in need in and around Arlington County, and so much more.
Where Do Your Trees Come From?
Where Do Your Trees Come From?
We and another non-profit work together to bulk purchase our trees so that we can give you the best price possible. This year, we have sourced our beautiful Fraser Fir trees from Canada.
Can I Pick Out My Own Tree?
Can I Pick Out My Own Tree?
Yes! Our tree lot will be open for you to pick your own tree, but we strongly recommend pre-purchasing your tree to make sure that we will have one (in the size you want) available for you!
How Do I Pick Up My Tree?
How Do I Pick Up My Tree?
It is super easy to pick up your tree! We will be offering pickup on November 30, December 1, December 8, and December 9. Pre-purchase your tree online and bring your receipt with you to the lot for pickup. Show your receipt to a volunteer with a clipboard, then select your perfect tree. We’ll bale and tie your tree to your car. The whole process should take less than 20 minutes.
How Much Do The Trees Cost?
How Much Do The Trees Cost?
Our 6'-7' trees are $115 and our 7'-8' trees are $135. If you wish, you can make an additional donation to New Hope Housing or Undue Medical Debt when you purchase your tree.
Where Will the Proceeds Go?
Where Will the Proceeds Go?
This year, proceeds from the tree sales will go to two worthy causes: New Hope Housing, the oldest and largest provider of shelter beds in northern Virginia. They have been providing a comprehensive, innovative array of services to homeless families and single adults since 1978; and Undue Medical Debt, an organization that buys down medical debt as medical debt continues to negatively impact the most financially vulnerable in the Commonwealth, and across the country for necessary and emergency medical procedures.
How do I pre-pay for my tree?
How do I pre-pay for my tree?
All tree sales are online through CUMC's planning center portal. Go to the Christmas Tree Sale site and follow the instructions listed on that page.
Can someone else pick up my tree?
Can someone else pick up my tree?
Yes, you can have someone else pick up your tree by providing them with your confirmation email.
Are You Selling Wreaths This Year?
Are You Selling Wreaths This Year?
We are selling wreaths this year -- but only in person on the lot when they are available. Be sure to ask if there are any available when you pick up your tree!
How Long Has CUMC Been Selling Trees?
How Long Has CUMC Been Selling Trees?
Clarendon United Methodist Church has been selling Christmas trees since 2017, with all the proceeds supporting local and international aid organizations, including New Hope Housing, Arlington Thrive, Rise Against Hunger, and Wings of Caring.
How Many Trees Are You Selling?
How Many Trees Are You Selling?
We have ordered 275 6-8' Fraser Fir trees. These trees will be sold online on a first-come, first-served basis. Once the 275 trees have been sold, there will be no more.
What Is CUMC All About?
What Is CUMC All About?
Clarendon United Methodist Church is an engaged and loving church community in the Ashton Heights neighborhood of Arlington. We are an active congregation of families, young professionals, older adults, children, and youth who strive each day as individuals and as a church family to Live the Love of Christ in everything we do.
How to Pick Up Your Tree
It is super easy to pick up your tree! We will be offering pickup on the Saturday and Sunday after Thanksgiving as well as the first weekend in December. You will pre-purchase your tree, and bring your receipt with you to the lot for pickup. You will drive into our overflow parking lot, stop when asked and show your receipt, then move to the designated pickup area. The whole process should take less than 20 minutes.