Simplified Accountable Structure (SAS)
Our church is in the process of implementing the Simplified Accountable Structure, or “SAS,” which will go into effect at the beginning of 2024. The SAS is an organizational model that is designed to increase efficiency and mission effectiveness of modern-day churches. It has been approved by the larger United Methodist Church (UMC) and meets all the requirements of church doctrine provided in the Book of Discipline (“Discipline”). The SAS will combine the existing Church Council, Board of Trustees, Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) and Finance Committee into a single Leadership Board of 9 to 12 people that would conduct the strategic planning and oversee the “business” of the church in a highly transparent and communicative manner. This will free up time and resources for our staff and members to focus more on our mission (or “ministry”) work as we strive to Embrace All, Share Christ, and Serve Others as we live God’s Love.

CUMC began looking at the SAS as part of the Next Level Innovations program that was implemented in January 2019. After nine months of initial research and consideration, the Church Council voted to formally explore the SAS as a potential new model for CUMC in Sep 2022 in accordance with the “Mission Possible” SAS reference book and under the guidance of a certified SAS Coach from the NOVA District. The Council unanimously voted to approve SAS implementation on July 26, 2023, and following endorsement by the NOVA District Superintendent (Rev. Dr. Sarah Calvert), a church conference was convened on Sep 13th, 2023, where church members voted to implement the SAS.
An Implementation Team that includes 11 dedicated church members and clergy is working diligently to create draft plans and policies for the initial Leadership Board and our clergy and staff to smoothly transition to this new model. This team is composed of several working groups with specific tasks and goals. The initial leadership Board for 2024 will be elected at our annual charge conference at our church on Sunday, Nov 5th, 2023. Our Nominations and leadership Development Committee is in the process of developing nominations for members of the Leadership Board and other required church positions that will be voted on at the charge conference. To find out more about the work of the Implementation Team, please contact Jon White at